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RED Traffic Light Change

The New Zealand government has announced that the entire country will move into the ‘RED’ setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework at midnight tonight, 23 January.

All motorsport events can continue to take place under the RED setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework with the use of vaccine passports and following the Back in Motion guidelines. It is likely New Zealand will be in RED for a number of weeks and therefore MotorSport New Zealand urges clubs who have events scheduled to take place within the next 30 days to plan how their event may take place under the RED settings.

If you have any questions about running motorsport events under the RED settings, please do not hesitate to contact me. The restrictions required to operate events under each level of the COVID-19 Protection Framework are detailed in the Back in Motionguidelines.

Under the RED settings, motorsport events can take place using our Back in Motion guidelines. These guidelines were successfully utilised in the previous Alert Level and RED restrictions to hold motorsport events.

The Back in Motion document provides general guidelines for providing motorsport events during COVID-19 restrictions such as hygiene requirements, social distancing requirements and clarification around the number of people allowed at events.

Some of the key restrictions required to run motorsport events under the RED setting are:

  • Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates to be used
  • Keeping groups to 100 peoples (Multiple groups of 100 are allowed at events so long as they are separated by 2m)
  • Social Distancing
  • Face coverings
  • Online/Contactless documentation

These guidelines have been developed in conjunction with Sport NZ, The NZ Events Association and the other motorsporting governing bodies in New Zealand.

What’s next?

As the government makes further announcements, MotorSport New Zealand will continue to communicate how motorsport can operate under each set of restrictions.

As always, the MotorSport New Zealand team are happy to help out if you have any questions regarding COVID-19 guidelines or procedures or for anything else you need assistance with.

We also remind everyone to visit www.motorsport.org.nz/covid-19 for the latest information regarding COVID-19 and motorsport.

VIEW: Back in Motion Guidelines

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