Physical Address:
102A Kapiti Road
Paraparaumu, 5032
Postal Address:
PO Box 133
Paraparaumu, 5254
Office Hours:
8.30am to 5.00pm Monday-Friday
+64 4 815 8015
Media Enquiries: / 027 479 1510
Wayne Scott | Interim CEO
Wayne is responsible for leading MotorSport New Zealand’s day-to-day operations on an interim basis.
Devan Gregory | Technical Manager
Devan is responsible for MotorSport New Zealand’s technical department which encompasses writing and reviewing technical regulations to ensure competition parity and safety. Devan also manages and maintains the sport’s relationships with our technical alliances such as the FIA, Motorsport Australia, NZTA and LVVTA.
E: | P: +64 4 815 8015 (Option 7) | M: +64 21 745 056
Jordie Peters | Development & Marketing Executive
Jordie is responsible for delivering IT support within MotorSport New Zealand alongside driving the promotion of the sport and communicating with all our stakeholders. Jordie also maintains all our digital platforms such as social media and our websites.
E: | M: +64 27 479 1510
Steve Collier | MotorSport Safety & Volunteer Manager
Steve is responsible for developing and supporting MotorSport New Zealand and its Member Clubs in maintaining the best health and safety practices and compliance. Part of Steve’s role is also the further the development of our Volunteer Officials program.
E: | M: +64 27 427 9485
Morgen Dickson | Customer Relationship Administrator
Morgen is responsible for all competition and official’s licences as well as managing and maintaining customer enquiries and relationships. Morgen is also a key person in the organisation for annual events such as the AGM, Awards Evening and the Elite Motorsport Academy. Your InterIslander bookings are also managed by Morgen.
E: | P: +64 4 815 8015 (Option 1)
Jakob Annison | Sporting & Marketing Coordinator
Jakob handles your event inquiries and is available to assist with MotorSport Online support. Jakob also helps out with the day-to-day tasks of the Sporting Manager and Marketing Executive.
E: | P: +64 4 815 8015 (Option 4)
Mike Macready | Technical Advisor
Mike looks after your technical applications such as logbooks, authority cards, roll cage homologations and CODs as well as guiding you through your general technical enquiries.
E: | P: +64 4 815 8015 (Option 2)
Nathan Head | Technical Advisor
Nathan looks after your technical applications such as logbooks, authority cards, roll cage homologations and CODs as well as guiding you through your general technical enquiries.
E: | P: +64 4 815 8015 (Option 2)