Youth participation welcomed as Evolution Motorsport ClubSport series begins
The opening round of the Evolution Motorsport ClubSport Championship will take place at Teretonga Park in Invercargill on Sunday and the Southland Sports Car Club is rapt with the number of young drivers becoming involved in the sport.
Southland Sports Car Club ClubSport co-ordinator Malcolm Mitchell, says that he is “really stoked with the number of young people coming along, giving it a crack, having so much fun and wanting to come back and bringing friends with them.” Drivers as young as twelve can compete in ClubSport with parental or guardian consent and at the non-championship round last month it was fourteen-year-old Ryan Fitchett, who has only been competing for one season who won the Sealed Motorkhana in the Renault Clio used by his family for ClubSport events.
Motorkhana will take place on Sunday morning with sign in from 8.30am till 9.00am with a 9.30am start with Autocross in the afternoon with sign in from 12.00pm to 12.45pm with a 1.00pm start.
Motorkhana is the perfect place to have a go at entry level motorsport with coned courses where you compete against the clock. There are cars available for beginners to use. Don’t hesitate to contact the club for any information on ClubSport or about utilising one of the cars available for the event via the Southland Sports Car Club Clubsport Co-ordinator Malcolm Mitchell at 021 666 956 or malcolm.mitchell67@gmail.com
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