Nominations for Appointed Board Member Notification
The Board of MotorSport New Zealand Inc, in accordance with Rule 14.8 of its Constitution, hereby calls for nominations for the position of Appointed Board Member.
At its recent meeting the Board determined that ideally, the successful nominee would complement the current Board by possessing and bringing the following skills, expertise and/or attributes to the Board:
- Board-level experience in a successful company or volunteer organisation with a proven record in providing leadership in strategic thinking with an “outcomes” focus;
- Experience in legal and statutory matters, including constitutional compliance, (but does not necessarily need to be a qualified and/or practising lawyer);
- Proven experience in understanding the wider economic landscape and how it affects an organisation like MotorSport New Zealand;
- The ability to articulate clearly and succinctly, hold the confidence of others, and make sensible and astute business decisions.
Nominees who have a diverse background (gender, race, etc) and/or are a member of the Institute of Directors are welcomed and are especially encouraged to submit a nomination.
The position is not paid but the return for the successful nominee is the opportunity to “make a difference” and to achieve great satisfaction by contributing to a successful and exciting sport with an international reputation for producing world-class competitors.
The role of the Board is governance rather than management, which is the domain of the Chief Executive Officer, professional staff and various voluntary positions. Governance focusses on MotorSport New Zealand’s wider issue of purpose and vision. The Board works in close partnership with the CEO to ensure MotorSport New Zealand’s strategies and results are achieved through supporting and resourcing the CEO to carry out their responsibilities.
Member clubs are urged to give careful consideration to identifying and nominating a suitable person with the attributes and skills outlined above and should bear in mind that such a person could come from outside the motorsport fraternity, and need not be a member of a member club.
Please find attached the Nomination Form to be completed by Member Clubs, the Board Member Position Description, and the Nomination Form to be completed the Nominee personally.
Nominations will close at 5:00pm on Friday, 25 September 2020. Nomination forms from Member Clubs and the Nominee must be received at the MotorSport New Zealand office by this time to be valid.
Board Member Position Description
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