Racing World presented by Race Control magazine
July 15, 2020
Racing World is a new weekly Motorsport podcast show that you can download for Free from leading podcast sites including Spotify. Its the creation of Auckland based Producer David Turner who teamed up with his long time friends and fellow broadcasters D’Arcy Waldegrave and Bob McMurray to form this new causal easy listen for all fans of Motorsport. They jointly felt there was a gap in the market for fans to enjoy an easy to listen to weekly show that was not only entertaining but informative about Motorsport at all levels from International to Domestic. It then became a case of how could it be done so with a few think tank sessions, a few coffees and several weeks later the show was underway.
“The great changes in technology and what I was then able to purchase equipment-wise offer us so many options on the show creation in terms of guest access and ease it’s fabulous” commented Turner “already we have proven this with chats into the show with 2019 Elite Academy winner Ronan Murphy currently based in the U.S. competing in the USF4 Series who we spoke within St Louis, locally we chatted with Connor Adam straight after his great drive and three race wins in the final round of the Pirelli Porsche Series at Taupo and Micheal Goldstein WRC NZ CEO on the plans for the future and the exciting Jacks Ridge project that the team undertook.”
In addition to that Racing World has in place with IndyCar the chance to chat with IndyCar drivers after the events and access to them and in this weeks show (Show 4) you will hear from Will Power and kiwi icon Scott Dixon that many in the mainstream media forgot after his third win in a row this past week. It doesn’t stop there either and there’s a growing list of Kiwi Internationals lined up to appear on the show in the coming weeks as they complete on World Stages plus some other great broadcasters and guests.
Homegrown is also very important to the show and in a featured section every fortnight the team will chat with Acting CEO of MotorSport New Zealand Elton Goonan in a section called News from the CEO where Elton will bring listeners up to date with topics inside the sport and even offer listeners the chance to send in questions for the show to be answered.
“We are delighted in the process so far and we have only made four shows but already we have listeners in many countries around the world ranging from Switzerland, Ireland the UK to the U.S. and Canada and naturally Australia and NZ.” said Turner. “This is a great chance to profile our talented drivers, teams, officials and the sport in general and get global reach.”
Plans are afoot for the show to travel as well as the equipment enables just that and the team intend to venture out to Motorsport events hosting the show from there and equally uncover a few of the unknown icons locally within the sport.
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