04 815 8015

102A Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu, 5032

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+64 (0)4 815 8015
Mon - Fri, 08:30AM-5:00PM

Volunteer welfare

The sport’s responsibility

The welfare of our motorsport volunteers and officials is paramount. Without you, we do not have motorsport in New Zealand.

The MotorSport NZ Volunteers Advisory Commission, which reports to the MotorSport NZ Board, developed a volunteer welfare policy, which is now in the process of being implemented around the country.

Among other things, the policy spells out the key considerations for event organisers when it comes to event scheduling, volunteer hours and wellbeing, such as:

  • Hours worked in one day, over a multi-day event, and on consecutive weekends (around a volunteer’s own work and personal commitments).
  • Adequate staffing numbers for each required role which allow volunteers to take breaks for food and the bathroom.
  • Dealing with hot or cold weather and adequate provisions for volunteers to take breaks, and also how to self-monitor and monitor others in your team for signs of medical conditions such as heat stroke or hyperthermia.


Our volunteers are also expected to take responsibility for their own welfare during an event in order to stay focused on their role, make accurate decisions, operate equipment correctly and safely, and monitor and manage other volunteers. Clear two-way communication with your team leader/head of department relies on all parties understanding how to monitor fatigue and stress levels, and how to minimise their effects.

Duty of care

While volunteers are not employees, there is the expectation they will be treated with same duty of care as a paid employee under New Zealand law with the length of their day and scheduled rest breaks being the key to the volunteer manning of the event.


Concerns or feedback about how volunteers are looked after on events can be discussed with the MotorSport NZ Volunteers Advisory Commission. The first point of contact is via email volunteer@motorsport.org.nz.

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69 Hutt Road, Thorndon
Wellington, New Zealand

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+64 4 815 8015