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Officials Training

MotorSport New Zealand has formalised a new training system for all Official Licence holders. Our training structure has incorporated a blended learning approach with online and face-to-face training. We have partnered with iQualify, an online learning platform designed to be user-friendly and enable access to relevant learning material. The flow chart above creates a clear training structure for our Officials and ensures they’re well supported with regular, relevant training. This will help ensure our Officials are delivering the best service to our competitors by staying up to date with the latest rules and best practices in their roles.

All of our current Licenced Officials have completed their Introductory Course, which is designed to bring everyone to the same level of training. Micro-Modules are released twice a year for all Licenced Officials which are learning bites that promote best practice. Face-to-Face sessions for all Officials have been rolled out and will continue to be available to those eligible. The Renewal Module will be assigned to those whose Licences are expiring. Once completed, the Licence is renewed and the training cycle continues.

We’re excited to see this new training system in action and we look forward to closely monitoring the outcomes it has for our competitors and the sport as a whole.

Find out more about the different Officials Licences or different Volunteer Officials roles.


Introductory Course

This is the first step to gain your Officials Licence.

The iQualify Introductory Courses aim to have every Official reach the same benchmark competency. All Official Licence holders will be required to complete the Introductory Course, no matter how long they have held a Licence. As of March 2024, all current Licenced Officials have completed this course.

All of the courses are designed under the guidance of the Heads of Department to cover the main points of interest, any pinch points present at the time of putting it together, and incorporate the necessary skills required to perform the role.

To ensure we cover the necessary areas, the courses are constructed to take approximately two to four hours in their entirety to complete however, each course is set over a calendar month. This enables the learner to complete it in smaller sections at times that suits them rather than all in one go.

Once the Introductory Course is completed, the Official will then go out to events and observe 3 events under an experienced Official. This is to ensure that those who prefer to learn hands-on, gain some valuable learning experiences on-event.

Once the on-event experience is completed, the Official will then complete a MotorSport New Zealand Officials module to learn the key responsibilities you have when you are a Licenced MotorSport New Zealand Official. Upon completion of this module, the Official will receive their Licence where they can Officiate at Events and enter the training cycle for continued learning.


These micro-modules are constructed to promote consistency nationwide enabling the delivery of best practices within each role.

The micro-modules are designed as small learning bites that take about 15-20 minutes to complete and will contain key pieces of information for specific Official roles. The content of these micro-modules is created from areas that the Head of Department receive feedback about from events along with other important areas that are key to running events.

Each Official role will have two micro-modules released per year.

Face to Face Session

There will be one face-to-face session run for each Official role per Licence period. They will be developed by the Head of Department and take place at specific locations around the Country.

Information on these sessions will be released by MotorSport New Zealand in the newsletters and by direct email.

Renewal Module

At the end of your Licence period, each Official will be required to take part in a Licence Renewal module.

This will be composed of information taken from the micro-modules released throughout the Licence period and any areas that are significant at the time. They are designed to take around 30 minutes to complete. It will contain questions to ensure you understand the information previously covered.

This Renewal module, along with the completion of the required micro-modules will need to be completed prior to the reissuing of an Officials Licence.


CourseStart DateEnd Date
All Licenced Officials First Mircro Module for 20241 February30 April
Silver Rally Clerk of the Course Face-to-Face Training17 February17 February
Gold Rally Clerk of the Course Face-to-Face Training24 February 24 February
Introductory Courses for New Scrutineers, Clerk of Course, and CRO's1 March 31 March
Clerk of the Course Licence Upgrade Assessment27 March27 March
Scrutineer Licence Renewal Module1 April30 April
Clerk of Course and CRO Licence Renewal Module1 June30 June
Introductory Courses for New Scrutineers, Clerk of Course, and CRO's1 July31 July
Clerk of the Course Licence Upgrade Assessment10 July10 July
Scrutineer Face-toFace Training (Nationwide)JulySeptember
All Licenced Officials Second Mircro Module for 20241 August31 October
Gold Race Clerk of the Course Face-to-Face Training17 August17 August
Silver Race Clerk of the Course Face-to-Face Training18 August18 August
Clerk of the Course Licence Upgrade Assessment Online6 November6 November
CRO Face to Face Training

For more information on Officials Training please contact Morgen Dickson on ‭ morgen@motorsport.org.nz