Elite Motorsport Academy Applications
Find below all the information needed when applying for the world-renowned Elite Motorsport Academy of New Zealand. Please note applications can only be submitted during the application period list below.
All Elite Motorsport Academy questions should be directed to morgen@motorsport.org.nz.
- To provide a one-week intensive “in camp” programme of physical and educational training assistance package for up to nine MotorSport New Zealand recognised Race or Rally competitors who have already demonstrated the ability to excel in their chosen motorsport discipline.
- To provide a tailored twelve-month follow up package for the academy graduates to ensure they retain and further develop the training regimes and educational opportunities demonstrated “in camp’.
Those chosen to attend will live “in camp” for the duration of the Elite Academy and in addition to the personal development thrust of the programmes will undertake a number of team building activities. These activities will be awarded points with recognition at the end of the camp to the team scoring the highest.
Soon after arrival “in camp” attendees will be assessed on components of their personal fitness relevant to being an elite driver. Components to be assessed will include:
- Strength
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Heat stress tolerance
- Reaction time
- Visual abilities
- Muscle balance/posture
Workshops covering sport psychology, nutrition, data analysis, public speaking/media skills, motorsport regulations and procedures as well as daily physical training routines will provide an all-encompassing week of learning designed to test and sometimes stretch attendees’ mental and physical limits.
During the course of the week, all attendees will develop a sponsorship proposal, which they will have five minutes to present verbally to a panel of judges on the last day of the Academy. The format is not too dissimilar to the TV programme “Dragons Den”.
Conditions of Application
1. Applicants must be;
- Permanent residents of New Zealand, and
- Members of a member club of MotorSport New Zealand Inc, or equivalent membership through another Motorsport Governing Body such as KartSport NZ or NZDRA, and
- To the level of physical fitness prescribed [refer item 4 fitness prerequisites] prior to arrival in Dunedin, and
- Prepared to undergo a complete medical examination prior to attending the camp and allowing the outcomes of the medical to be transmitted to the Director of Human Performance Centre: School of Physical Education; University of Otago, and
- Able to provide a time commitment to attending and participating in the package or packages arranged as part of the Elite Academy, and
- Furnish reports on outcomes achieved as and when required by The MotorSport NZ Scholarship Trust and MotorSport New Zealand Inc.
- Be available all day for each day of the camp
2. Application close at 5:00pm on Monday 10th of March 2025.
3. Applicants (or persons on their behalf) are expected to complete an application form, which is forwarded to a judging panel that considers all applications, conduct interviews where deemed appropriate, and determines a successful applicant.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst the Elite MotorSport Academy is open to all competitors it is envisaged that persons between the ages of 16-35 will be better equipped to gain the best advantage. Notwithstanding these comments, the judges may consider applications from applicants outside these age groups.
4. The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Successful Applicants
The applicants selected for the 2025 Elite MotorSport Academy will;
(a) Attend the Elite Academy camp in Dunedin, scheduled for the week of Sun 6 – Sat 12 July 2025, all accommodation and meals provided and travel to and from Dunedin (refer Note), and
(b) Participate in a specifically tailored follow-up programme over the following twelve months.
Note: The Trust will arrange air travel for all attendees requiring such up to a maximum of $500.00 per attendee. Any attendee not requiring air travel but based more than 100km from Dunedin will be paid a travel allowance up to a maximum of $500.00 per attendee on presentation of a travel claim complete with all receipts.
Fitness Prerequisites
The Elite Academy will not be a holiday camp and all successful applicants will be required to have a good level of fitness prior to arrival at the camp. Competitors selected for the 2025 Elite Academy are accepted on the condition that they will be at the required pre-entry fitness levels prior to the commencement of the Elite Academy. The Academy of Sport South Island will establish tests regionally for the selected applicants to attend. Failure to pass these tests could mean exclusion from the Elite Academy.
If you are currently doing very little in the physical conditioning area we would advise getting some professional guidance. This could be through your nearest Academy of Sport or local respected gymnasium. Remember you are training to be an athlete, not a body-builder.
You should strive to achieve a minimum of 3-5 hours a week on physical conditioning (both upper body strength endurance and general aerobic activity). There is no expectation that you should achieve the standards indicated above by June, merely they should give you a reality check with where you are at and where you need to strive to be. As an absolute minimum, you should be able to maintain form and complete 20 press-ups, 30 sit-ups and run/cycle/swim continuously for 45 minutes at a comfortable level.
How to Apply
1. The application form asks a number of questions aimed at providing a detailed insight of the applicant’s achievements to date and what is hoped to be achieved in the future.The more information that is provided through the questions, to the judges in assessing each applicants’ abilities, the better chance they will have of making a soundly based decision of the best recipient.
2. Completing an application should not be a difficult or onerous task if you [the applicant] follow these guidelines;
- Read through the application form and these notes to get a feel of what the judges will be looking for.
- Attach to the application, one good quality photo of yourself. — head and shoulders photograph please.
- Please ensure your submissions are clear and legible. Typewritten responses are preferred.
- Ensure you complete the declaration and sign the application form.
- Ensure it is posted to arrive prior to the established closing date for applications.
Note: All unsuccessful applicants for previous years’ Elite MotorSport Academies are invited to reapply. All applicants are required to complete the online application form.
Final Selection & Interview
Applicants selected for final review or interview will be advised by email by mid April 2025. The Judging Panel will conduct all interviews in Auckland. All costs involved with attendance at the interview is the applicant’s care.
Announcement of successful applicants
The successful applicants for attendance at the 2025 Elite Academy will be the subjects of a media announcement at the MotorSport New Zealand Awards Evening to be held Saturday, 24th May 2025. There shall be no public announcements prior to this.