Race Licence
A circuit race is a competition held on a closed circuit between two or more cars, running at the same time.
In racing, the result is determined by the order the cars cross the finish line after completing the specified number of laps, or the required distance covered in the specified time. Races can be just a few laps long or last for 24-hours
Race meetings are held from Club level, all the way to New Zealand Championships.
To compete in Race events, you will require a minimum of a C Grade licence.
Find out how to get your race licence below:
Step 1: Create a Profile in MotorSport Online
If you have had a licence in the past, have a vehicle registered with us or have entered an event, you may already have a record in the system. If you need login access to this record, please contact the MotorSport NZ office who can assist.
If this is your first time accessing the system, please click here to access the login page and select the “No account? Register Here” option.
Please follow the systems instructions to create a profile with a personalised login. Don’t forget to fill in the Profile details including a passport style photo of yourself.
A tutorial video is available here.
Step 2: Car Club Membership
Before you can submit any licence applications, you will need to provide details of your membership with a MotorSport NZ Affiliated Member Car Club.
If you have yet to join a club, you can find contact details on our MotorSport NZ Affiliated Car Club page.
In the Licences tab of your login, select the Add option and then the “MotorSport Club Membership” form from the drop-down menu. A second drop-down menu will appear where you can select which club you are a member of. Click Add and complete the online form.
Once submitted you will see it ‘Pending’ awaiting approval from your Member Club who can approve it in their part of the system. Please note, that your club membership needs to be ‘Approved’ and have a current expiry date before you can proceed.
Step 3: Applying for your Licence
In the Licences tab, select the Add option and then the “MSNZ Competition Licence” form from the drop-down menu.
Complete the online application pages as follows:
- Application, where you select the type of licence you wish to apply for
- Medical, which is tailored to the type of licence you selected on the application page
- Payment page
Once the licence application has been submitted, you will see it in your Licences tab as ‘Pending’
A tutorial video is available here.
Step 4: Exam Time
Before sitting the exam, you’ll need to have a good understanding of the rules of motorsport. For a Race Licence, you should be familiar with the National Sporting Code, as well as Appendix Two – Schedule A and Appendix Four – Schedule Z of the MotorSport Manual.
It is also recommended that you prepare for the exam by taking a look at the C Grade Licence Exam Questions
Types of motorsport this licence covers:
• Race events • All ClubSport eventsWhen you are ready to sit your exam, please contact one of our Licence Examiners local to you to arrange a time and place to sit your exam
When you have passed your exam, the examiner will be able to mark off your results in the online system.
If at the time the exam cannot be marked off online another option is to scan/email or post the signed test to the Office where it can be marked off on the examiner’s behalf.
Step 5: Approval of your Licence
We will be able to see your application every step of the way and will be watching for the following to be completed:
- The Licence has been applied for
- All personal details completed within your Profile tab
- A suitable Passport style photo has been uploaded (this will print onto your licence card)
- The licence fee payment has been received
- Any medical aspects have been approved
- The exam has been passed/marked off
Once all the above has been completed your licence application may be approved.
If you have purchased a physical card, this will be sent.
But don’t forget about the MotorSport New Zealand App, which lets you manage your licence, sign in to events, see your history, view your vehicles and much more (Available in the App Store and on Google Play)
Competing Overseas
You can add a visa to your Race licence which will allow you to compete overseas.
Tasman Visa: for competition in Australia only
The World Motor Sport Council of the FIA has approved a request made jointly by Motorsport Australia (formally known as CAMS) and Motorsport New Zealand for mutual recognition of competition licences in accordance with the Trans-Tasman Agreement for events listed on the sporting calendars of each Governing Body. Other events may be selected for inclusion should both MotorSport New Zealand and Motorsport Australia agree.
To apply for a Trans-Tasman Visa, competitors should access the Licences tab in the MotorSport Online system and specify the name of the event/s they wish to compete in. By submission of the application for a Trans-Tasman Visa, the competitor shall agree to be bound by the rules (procedural, judicial and technical) of Motorsport Australia for the duration of the Visa.
Foreign Participation Visa: for competition overseas excluding Australia
Some overseas national events may be permitted by the host ASN to allow for foreign participation and will be detailed in the event’s supplementary regulations. Licence holders wishing to compete in such an event must first obtain a Foreign Participation Visa from MotorSport New Zealand. Please contact the office if you would like further information on this. Please note Foreign Participation Visas are automatically issued to International Licence holders.