February COVID-19 Alert Level change update
The government has moved Auckland back into COVID-19 Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand back into Level 2. At this stage, these restrictions are in place until midnight on Wednesday, 17th February.
If the restrictions are extended beyond this time, it may affect some motorsport events in New Zealand. As we had in 2020, MotorSport New Zealand has the following plans in place for different alert levels.
Level 3 & 4:
No motorsport events are able to take place under Level 3 & 4.
Level 2:
Under Alert Level 2 motorsport events can take place using our ‘Back in Motion Plan’. This plan was successfully utilised in the previous Alert Level 2 restrictions to hold motorsport events.
The ‘Back in Motion’ document provides general guidelines for providing motorsport events during COVID-19 restrictions such as hygiene requirements, social distancing requirements and clarification around the number of people allowed at events.
Anyone entering a venue where a motorsport event is taking place must have their details recording for contact tracing. MotorSport New Zealand has developed a number of resources for event organisers to use such as:
- Utilising the government’s NZCOVID Tracer app and QR code tracking posters.
- A venue plan checklist to ensure event organisers comply with the government guidelines around mass gatherings.
With social distancing requirements in place, it may not also be possible or appropriate for scrutineers to complete a physical safety audit prior to competition commencing. A self-scrutiny of vehicle safety has also been implemented as part of the resources.
Competitors will need to complete the safety checklist and submit it with their event entry alongside photos of the vehicle’s last three logbook entries.
Officials and volunteers also have a set of guidelines to ensure their safety on events. The basis of the guidelines is minimising person to person contact, mainly ensuring documentation is completed electronically where practicable.
Spectator admittance is permitted however spectators must be clearly segregated in their own ‘defined space’ away from the participants and officials of the event, and the event must still meet all current Government guidelines for gathering size limits. This will allow the organisers to ensure that their event is run within the guidelines set by the Government and MotorSport New Zealand.
The full list of resources can be found on www.motorsport.org.nz/organiser. All competitors, crews, officials, volunteers and event organisers are encouraged to make themselves familiar with it prior to competing or attending events.
Level 1:
Motorsport can return to relative normality with no restrictions on gatherings and businesses or services. Physical distancing is also no longer required, however, contact tracing still recommended. The New Zealand borders remain closed, preventing international competitors from entering the country.
MotorSport New Zealand still recommends the following guidelines and practices from its “Back in Motion” plan:
- Electronic event documentation: We encourage clubs to continue to utilise electronic event documentation when possible. A number of clubs have indicated to us that they have found some new efficiencies with this process compared to their previous methods.
- Hygiene stations: Good hygiene practices are still recommended from a public health perspective. Events should have hand sanitiser readily available.
- Electronic timing sheets: Similarly to electronic documentation, encourage clubs to continue to utilise this process as there are efficiencies to be gained.
- If you are sick or unwell STAY HOME: This advice remains in place, if you are sick or feel unwell please stay at home.
What’s next?
As the government makes further announcements, MotorSport New Zealand will continue to communicate how motorsport can operate under each set of restrictions.
As always, the MotorSport New Zealand team are happy to help out if you have any questions regarding COVID-19 guidelines or procedures or for anything else you need assistance with.
We also remind everyone to visit www.motorsport.org.nz/covid-19 for the latest information regarding COVID-19 and motorsport.
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